Some people are just wired to never give up.

But life can throw a person curves. Health challenges. Work challenges. Relationship challenges.
Before you downsize what you think is possible for your life, especially if you’re over 40, investigate the power of Tai Chi Gung.

I was so fortunate. I found my Tai Chi Gung Master when I was just 25. 37 years later, I continue to practice and teach this art of regeneration. I’ve helped hundreds of students go after their dreams with the passion they felt when they were young.

At the core of the practice are a set of simple moving and breathing exercises. They are sometimes called the “Simple Yoga”. They were developed when Lao Tzu, known in India as Boganathar, went to China and spent 50 years in seclusion with Mother Nature.

There he discovered that all the energy moving in, through and around your body has a Divine Intelligence. It is working ceaselessly to heal you, night and day. It is even working ceaselessly to bring prosperity to your finances; to re-ignite love in your relationships, or open you to new ones better than you ever imagined possible.

Lao Tzu spent 5 decades learning the language and vocabulary of the Life Energy he called Chi. He discovered that it follows a scientific method… so it can understood, and harnessed for any good. Both for you and for those you love and care about.

Health and longevity are not accidental. Abundance is not like playing the lottery. A life surrounded by close friends is never too late to start building. You have something to say about all these things. You even have something to say about aging itself. It starts by learning to connect to the Chi.

More than 12,000 years ago, the Siddhi Yoga Masters investigated the true language of energy and health. They discovered that the mind can interfere with the health of the body. They understood that all of life is spiritual. They developed and passed down techniques of health and longevity allowing them to live for 100s of years. From that lineage a great Master who the world knows as Lao Tzu, developed a simple system of health and regeneration called Tai Chi Gung.

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Tai Chi Gung Master David Paul

My name is Master David Paul. I’m currently the only certified Tai Chi Gung Master in Lao Tzu’s 3000 year unbroken lineage living in the United States. My mentor, Master Lama Rasaji has supported, guided and encouraged me every step of the way through more than 36 years of training. I serve as the National Director of Teacher Training for the Circle of Chi Community. For those who embrace a spiritual life, who search for truth beyond spiritual or religious dogma, who want to live an abundant life… Tai Chi Gung may be a perfect fit.

As a Tai Chi Gung instructor for more than 25 years, I’ve watched hundreds of students prosper in their health, their finances and their relationships. They build a direct connection to the Energy and are guided by it directly. I help people build a plan of action so they can live an abundant, prosperous life in every way.

You can take a weekly live class in Denver with me if you want to train face to face. In person classes offer the greatest increase in energy. It is the traditional way people have studied Tai Chi Gung for more than 3000 years. But if you prefer online classes, I lead 4 live classes a week on my teacher’s website. And for serious students, I am available for private sessions.

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Do I have to twist in knots like a pretzel?

Lao Tzu’s Tai Chi Gung is very easy on the joints. We do gentle standing exercises that connect us to the life force in Nature and learn to breathe the energy.

Figure Eights

Lao Tzu discovered that when the right and left side of the body are balanced correctly, a third regenerative energy is released. More than 90% of the human race never taps into this energy.

Body Twist

Spending more than 50 years immersed in Nature, Lao Tzu wondered, “Trees live for hundreds of years. If I move energy as they do, can I also learn to live as long as they do?” Turns out, he was right.


Noticing how moisture is blown up a mountainside and then comes down as rain or snow, Lao Tzu investigate how this flow is mirrored in the physical body. He discovered it is central to regeneration.

Tai Chi Swim

Most students feel the energy in their very first live class during Tai Chi Swim. To master energy, one must feel it physically. The Lama’s of Tibet call this “having a biological experience of the Divine.”

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Students Share

Beth is the Medical Director of ICU at a Trauma Center. She has board certifications in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Medicine. She began practicing Tai Chi Gung about three years ago. Everyone at the hospital notices how calm she has become. She leads a Tai Chi Gung class in the cardio pulmonary rehab center where she works. And, without changing her diet at all, she has lost 60 pounds since adding Tai Chi Gung to her daily routine.

In 2013, Kim, a young woman in her early 30s living in Dallas had recently been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. She was in tough shape, living at home, barely able to function. She went to a workshop by my teacher and began to practice the simple regenerative exercises of Lao Tzu. Within 6 months, she was able to return to work. In the fall of 2023, 10 years later, I met her at an event in Nashville. She has been living a full, happy life for the past 10 years, keeping her cancer at bay, even though it remains.

I started practicing Tai Chi Gung when I was 25 playing violin full time in a symphony. It’s a very stressful job to begin with, but even so, musicians usually live a creative, passionate life. While playing, I used to get that inspiring soul chill up and down my spine about 3 to 4 times a year. After starting the exercises, the soul chills came more and more often. They grew stronger as well.  I was getting them 2 to 3 times every week. I was ecstatic. Then one day, I came home from a rehearsal, and was guided by intuition to listen to a Mahler Symphony while doing my exercises. Suddenly, a surge of energy lit up the top of my head, descended all the way through my body and in that moment, I could feel the music vibrating in every cell of my body at the same time. Surges of the life force in sync with the music went through me from head to toe for the next 25 minutes. This was an incredible experience, and it was only the beginning.

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